Presenting and receiving information in an uncomplicated, interactive, and innovative way is vital in a studying environment. We at Audico are experienced in implementing comprehensive audiovisual solutions to all educational facilities, from classrooms to auditoriums, in schools, colleges, and universities.
The way of teaching and learning has changed a lot during the past years: people gather to study sitting on staircases or lying on bean bags in a hall. Nowadays, many open spaces and other areas are different from regular classrooms in schools. New teaching tools open up possibilities for versatile and modern learning while enriching teaching and learning. The auditoriums, halls, and ballrooms are the space where the most unforgettable moments of the school year happen. Speeches, music, and other art performances are held in those areas. Audico offers audiovisual solutions in stage technology in different sizes and price ranges. It is essential that the students can hear everything during class and events, no matter where they are seated. In some educational facilities, remote studying is part of everyday life. We have developed streaming solutions that are easy to use by, for example, the teacher.