June 20, 2024
Jun 19, 2024

Audico Systems AB, part of Audico Group, acquires Weiab Systemlösningar AB.

Weiab Systemlösningar AB has for over 50 years built a strong reputation in the industry and a company with experience in professional audiovisual (AV) system solutions. It is with great pleasure that we now welcome them to the Audico Holding family. Through this strategic deal, Audico Systems AB in Sweden strengthens its position as a leading player in advanced AV systems. An imported step for sustained growth and stronger position.

"We are very pleased that Weiab Systemlösningar AB chose to join us and become part of Audico Group” says Johanna Berlinde, CEO Audico Group. "Their extensive experience and expertise will enhance our ongoing expansion strategy in Sweden and elevate our offering in cutting-edge AV solutions, while increasing our presence across more locations in the country. This acquisition is an important step in our ambition to be closer to the customer and provide innovative and reliable projects and service.” she continues.

For more information, please contact:

Johanna Berlinde
CEO, Audico Holding OY
+46 7 223 448 00  

Sofie Winroth
Managing Director, Audico Systems AB
+46 8 522 057 14

About The Audico Group:
Audico Group is the leading solution, distributer and service provider of audiovisual communication and entertainment systems, with over 65 years in the industry and market leader in Finland. We offer access to the best technology and brands within audio, video, and lighting, implemented by an industry leading team. We take full responsibility from planning to installation, monitoring, and maintenance. The Audico Group has 120 employees and a turnover of over 40 MEUR. Visit our website at www.audicoholding.com and www.audicosystems.com/sv for more information.

About Weiab Systemlösningar AB:
Weiab has over 50 years of experience in customised AV and communication equipment. Weiab's strength is complex and integrated AV systems and communication equipment where the customer places high demands on reliability and ease of use. Weiab's customers include the Swedish Courts of Justice, where it has installed customised equipment for over 100 district courts throughout Sweden

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